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For News and Events in 2022, please click here.

New Mayor for 2024-2025

Chilton Town Council held its Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 14th May. Councillor Stuart Sutherland was elected to serve as Mayor of the town for 2024-2025. Councillor Pearl Malpas who has been tirelessly serving as Mayor for 2023/2024 has been elected as Deputy Mayor.

After being elected Cllr Sutherland said "I’m deeply proud to have been given the opportunity today to serve as Mayor of Chilton for the 2024/25 civic year, alongside Cllr Malpas who was elected as Deputy Mayor. Clllr Malpas has been a friend and unrelenting champion for Chilton over the last 12 months. I look forward to the year ahead and thank you for the support."

Cllr Malpas who has been fundraising throughout her year as Mayor, presented a cheque for £2000.00 to her nominated charity, The Great North Air Ambulance. Cllr Malpas commented on her time as Mayor and her election to Deputy Mayor saying "It has been a privilege to represent the Town of Chilton as Mayor, I have enjoyed my time and would like to thank Councillors, Staff and residents for their support, I look forward to working alongside Cllr Sutherland as his Deputy".

Police and Crime Commissioner urges public to have their say on policing priorities and police funding in County Durham and Darlington

The annual public precept survey has been launched to ask local residents how much they are prepared to pay towards local policing in County Durham and Darlington, through their council tax in the upcoming year.

As you know Police and Crime Commissioners have a responsibility for setting the Force budget and determines the amount of council tax that goes towards policing for their area, called the policing precept. She is therefore seeking the views of the public and residents of County Durham and Darlington regarding the budget for Durham Constabulary for 2024/25, as she would like to know what people think is affordable and what their policing priorities are.

If you require hard copies, please contact us at

Complete the survey online

Community Update

Our Men’s Friday group is now up and running, any gents are welcome to join at any time, even if your only available one or two Fridays a month you can still call in and take part.

The group starts at 10am with an optional healthy walk led by our volunteers. Those that don’t want to walk or are restricted by ability can meet in our community room where there will be games and newspapers and warm drinks available.

The walk is followed by activities and lunch time refreshments.

Read more about it in our Newsletter

Benefits Advice

Successful benefits advice drop in now extended to include Friday's.
Our weekly visit from Ferryhill ladder Centre has been so successful we have now extended it to include Friday mornings from 9am-1pm. The service will now also include advice on seeking employment. They will both run as drop in's but if you have benefit forms to fill in this will need a longer appointment, to book an appointment call the Ladder Centre on 01740 651639 and they will fit you in to the next available slot either at Ferryhill or Chilton.

Benefits Advice sessions are back up and running at Hutton House. Thanks to Ferryhill Ladder Centre and the 4together partnership AAP, we have been able to offer a weekly drop in and appointments, helping people to make new claims for benefits, help with completing benefit forms, how to appeal a DWP decision and to check they members of the community are receiving the help that they are entitled to.


Tickets available from Hutton House